Interface Instrumentation Connects Sensors to Actionable Data

Ever struggled to find the perfect instrument to complement your measurement device? Interface offers a comprehensive instrumentation suite to ensure you maximize the full potential of your load cells, torque transducers, and other sensor investments.

Interface continues to expand our unique range of instrumentation products to complement our measurement devices. Interface instrumentation pairs with our load cells, torque transducers, multi-axis sensors, calibration equipment, and other sensors.

Our instrumentation series is comprehensive and versatile, catering to various measurement needs. We have a solution for every application, from signal conditioners to USB and wireless connectivity output modules, high-speed data loggers, digital and analog indicators, portable indicators and displays, weight indicators, and junction boxes. We also offer full data acquisition (DAQ) wireless telemetry systems and calibration-grade equipment, making us your one-stop shop for testing and measurement needs.

TIP: Use the Interface Instrumentation Selection Guide to help you choose the instrument best suited for your application. Also, check out our convenient Instrumentation Definitions resources.


Interface modules are designed to convert the low‐level mV/V sensor signal to a digital format for data transmission via USB, wireless USB, or Bluetooth. They have user-friendly software for easy data display, logging, and graphing. Moreover, our modules’ plug-and-play functionality ensures a hassle-free setup, making them a convenient choice for your instrumentation needs. The following are popular instrumentation modules.

Signal conditioners provide stable excitation voltage to the sensor and amplify the low-level sensor signal to a high-level output such as +/-5V, +/-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, or 0-10V. When selecting a signal conditioner, it is crucial to consider power supply requirements. Many of our signal conditioner products include filtering, which can help reduce noise in the output signal. It is also important to consider the amount of filtering, fixed or adjustable filtering, input range, scalability, and zero adjustment range.

Indicators provide stable excitation voltage and convert the sensor signal to a digital display. We offer a range of transmitters and indicators for weight, force, and torque measurement, as well as a series of portable instrumentation solutions. Standard indicator features include analog or digital output, selectable digital filtering, peak and valley monitoring, and set point outputs. When selecting an indicator, evaluating the internal sample rate and updating the analog output rate is crucial. Interface offers digital and analog indicators. The following are some popular options.

Wireless Telemetry System (WTS) instrumentation offers easy‐to‐use wireless data communication between a sensor and a receiving indicator. These system components can receive multiple inputs and are fully compatible with all Interface force sensors. Interface offers wireless transceivers, printers, antennas, DAQ components, data loggers, and transmitter modules.  The WTS instrumentation comes calibrated, tested, and ready to run. Bluetooth Telemetry System (BTS) instrumentation and supporting components are also available. Here are some of the wireless devices available. Access our WTS & BTS Telemetry Systems Overview for additional review.

Data Acquisition Systems and Acquisition Modules are components used to acquire data via analog signals and convert them to digital form for storage, logging, graphing, and analysis. Data acquisition systems typically require high-level inputs such as +/-10V and cannot work well with low-level mV signals. Interface offers instruments and DAQ systems designed to work with low-level mV signals. A complete data acquisition system consists of DAQ hardware, sensors and actuators, signal conditioning hardware, and a computer running DAQ software. Interface provides DAQ instrumentation that is ideal for completing a sensor-based system. Check out Data Acquisition Systems 101.  The following are examples of our DAQ instrumentation.

Junction boxes are commonly used in weighing applications where a tank or scale is supported by more than one load cell. The individual load cell cables are wired into the junction box, and then a single cable connects the junction box to the instrumentation. Our multi-function weight transmitter junction box has a compact design and signal-conditioning functions.

In addition to our most popular instrumentation types, Interface also offers repeater modules, load cell converters, Modbus instrumentation, LED displays, and products for remote data collection. We can provide environmentally protected instrumentation solutions and complete system set-up and calibration. To learn more, review the Instrumentation Solutions Overview.

Instrumentation Tech Talk

A Wheatstone bridge-based sensor, such as a load cell, requires excitation voltage. The excitation voltage is typically 10V; however, many instruments supply lower voltages, such as 2.5V and 5V. Since these sensors are ratiometric, our instrumentation solutions are an excellent match for these sensor products.

The output signal from a load cell is expressed in terms of mV output per V of excitation at capacity. For example, a 100 lb capacity load cell rated for 2 mV/V output will have 20 mV output at 100 lbf when excited with 10V. Because the output signal is directly affected by input voltage, it’s essential to maintain a stable excitation voltage, which our instrumentation does. A signal can also be a voltage or mA signal as well.

Interface offers instrumentation solutions for all types of applications, from signal conditioners to wireless data loggers. It is a one-stop shop for complete measurement solutions.


The Convenience of Interface Portable Instrumentation Devices

Digital Instrumentation 101

Ultimate BlueDAQ Software Guide for Interface Instrumentation

Interface Instrumentation Definitions

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