Illustrated Application Note
Commercial Fishing Wire Rope Testing
The customer was able to determine if the fishing cable on their vessel was strong enough to hold the fish cage or net at maximum capacity when out catching.
A commercial fishing owner wants to measure the force tension of the wire
fishing rope connected to the fishing cage or net when their vessel goes to catch. They want to ensure the wire rope is strong enough and safe enough to hold the maximum capacity of fish caught in the cage or net.
Interface’s WTSTL Wireless Tension Link Load Cell was attached between the end of the cable, and the end that hooks onto the fishing net. This tension link will be able to measure the forces of the full net of fish, or, a heavy load at maximum capacities. The data information can be transmitted to both the WTS-BS-1-HS Handheld Display for Single Transmitters, or to the customers computer laptop through the WTS-BS-4 USB Industrial Base Station.
The customer was able to determine if the fishing cable on their vessel was strong enough to hold the fish cage or net at maximum capacity when out catching.